The UNDO Command : Beyond Ctrl+Z

Hi Everyone,

This command is probably most used command in AutoCAD. Well! we all make mistakes and UNDO gives us a chance to rectify them.
This is the command, most of us use in a hurry and dont notice there are more options available.
So, we shall look into those options.

Well, if you undo actions with [Ctrl + Z] or simply typing "U" on the command line, you will not see the options availabe. Type UNDO instead and see the magic you have several options. What are those? See the images below :

Now let's understand the options available,

Number of operations to be undo
This option lets you undo a number of steps. No need to press "U" [Enter] again & again.

Auto (A)
Groups the actions in to a command reversible with a single UNDO command. By default Auto mode is on.
UNDO Auto is not available if the Control option is turned off or limited the UNDO feature.

Control (C)
This option controls the UNDO command. Options available under this are as follows :

  • All (A) :Turns on the full UNDO command. All the features will be available.
  • None (N) :Turns of the UNDO command and discards any UNDO command information saved earlier in the editting session the full UNDO command. 
  • One (O) :Limits UNDO to a single operation.
  • Combine (C) : This option controls whether multiple, consicutive zoom and pan commands are combined as a single operation for UNDO and REDO operations. Pan and Zoom commands which are started independent of a command are not combined.
Begin (BE), End (E)
Groups a sequence of actions into a set, to be undone with a single UNDO command.

Mark, Back
Mark will place a mark in the undo information. Back undoes everything to the Mark. while undoing one by one we are informed once the mark is reached.
Any number of marks can be placed, Back will move back one mark at a time. If no mark is found command will warn you, "This will undo everything. OK? <Y> Enter y or n or press enter" if "Y" is pressed everything done in the current session will be undone.

That's all for today and about UNDO command. You are always welcome if you find something new about UNDO command.

Thanking You,

- Abhay Chauhan

PS : Don't forget to comment and share the post with your friends.


  1. That was a very informative post Mr. Chauhan. I never knew that there are options in "undo" command also

  2. Brilliant information about the “UNDO” command, I never realized the command had all these options. It shows that we should all look at AutoCAD’s Help from time to time.
    Try the “OOPS” command. It’s only useful for restoring erased objects but I find the name quite comical.
